It's a perfect rainy, October, Monday morning. I may have set my alarm, got up, got ready had a extra 20 minutes, crawled back into bed fully dressed and fell back asleep till 7:00. I may have decided to wear a oversize plaid shirt and my comfiest boots to work. I may have been overwhelmed when I looked at my coming couple weeks. When I got to Starbucks to read and prepare my heart for today, I may have declared a passionate hate of playing the Beatles in coffee shops. Then I opened the Word to Matthew and was greeted with this firm rebuke from Jesus.
[And he said to them, "Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?" Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.]
Matthew 8:26
Father this verse comes as such a comfort to my soul. Not only do you boldly confront the disciples lack of faith but you faithfully demonstrate your power over creation. I'm sitting here thinking, Lord how could they not believe you were who you said you were? How could they not believe after seeing such a miracle?
But in my own life lately I've struggled to believe you will do what you promised. Not that you're incapable but rather that you'll just choose not to act. I tell myself that my circumstances are too unique or too difficult for you. I chop it up to 'discouragement. ' Oh my wicked soul! It really just boils down to not having a big enough view of Christ. If I really knew you Lord, I wouldn't doubt you. I wouldn't doubt your character. I wouldn't challenge your goodness and faithfulness. I wouldn't doubt that you love me. I would realize that you are right at this very moment sustaining me.
There is a dangerous arrogance in believing that you are misunderstood by God (your creator). It paves the way for excuse making, for sin renaming and self justification. There becomes less gratitude and more demanding. It's a simple slide that's encouraged by simply watching tv, talking to a co-worker, walking into a bookstore. We paint it on coffee cups, cover billboards, write commercials about it. We design whole websites based around it, write song lyrics celebrating it. We throw it on a t-shirt and design whole clothing lines based on it. We love being unique. We want to be different. We believe the lie that we're misunderstood .
Father, don't let me get sucked into this. Help me build walls up around my heart against the enemy. Help me recognize quicker his heart manipulation tactics.
Als, the God of the universe designed every part of you. He understands everything you think even more then you do because He see the whole span of eternity and you see a millisecond. The same God that told the disciples to take a seditive and trust in Him was faithful to calm the storm. He understands your weakness and He knows your frame. He is faithful to not give you more than you can handle and He is walking with you pleading for you to just trust Him. Get to know Him more, you'll trust Him more.
Thanks for sharing your heart Als!