[This distinction [between law and gospel] must be observed all the more when the Law wants to force me to abandon Christ and His Gospel boon. In that emergency I must abandon the Law and say: Dear Law, if I have not done the works I should have done, do them yourself. I will not, for your sake, allow myself to be plagued to death, taken captive, and kept under your thraldom and thus forget the Gospel. Whether I have sinned, done wrong, or failed in any duty, let that be your concern, O Law. Away with you and let my heart alone; I have no room for you in my heart. But if you require me to lead a godly life here on earth, that I shall gladly do. I however, like a housebreaker, you want to climb in where you do not belong, causing me to lose what has been given me, I would rather not know you at all than abandon my gift.] Martin Luther
Father this morning my heart rejoices because I have been set free from the burden of your Law. The Law was a high bar that I could never reach. In it, I see my failure and I see your majesty. In it, I see my need for a Savior. I don't just need someone who can come and add to my best score. I can't say, 'Jesus I made it 5ft and I need 8ft, would you mind filling in the last 3ft?' No, my score simply was not enough, it could never be enough. God the Father saw that need and sent His Son to do what I could not do.
That is the purpose of the Law. The Law points to the Gospel. It's not a set of rules that we must heed to because we are adding to our salvation. It's suppose to be out of our love for Christ we want to worship Him with our lives, keeping His Laws. The second the Law doesn't direct us back to the Gospel we need to say "I will not, for your sake, allow myself to be plagued to death, taken captive, and kept under your thraldom and thus forget the Gospel."
Father today I will fall short of your Law, just like I did yesterday. Replace the feelings of condemnation with conviction, bring quick repentance and sincere change. Be King of my heart and Lord of my life. Let me rejoice in my freedom from the Law and treasure my gift of Salvation. Make me fall at the the Cross of Christ in worship.
[One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.] John 9:25
Father, when I'm burdened by the Law I can't see the Gospel clearly. It's like I'm closing my eyes and pretending the You haven't healed my blind eyes. Rejoice oh soul, open your eyes! "One thing I do know, that though I WAS blind now I see."
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