First morning ever that I hit snooze 5 times.
First morning in a week that I didn't have to scrape ice of my car.
First morning in a long time I pulled the old, tall in a grande "with extra foam" scam.
First morning in a long time I laid my anxieties at Jesus feet and walked away.
[Why are some Christians so anxious, so fearful? Evidently because they have not left their way with the Lord. They took it to him, but brought it away with them again.] Charles Cowman
Oh Father! Why am I so anxious? Why am I so fearful? This hits so close to home. I am growing more aware of my need to come to the Cross quicker, understanding the need to go back to that place and remember. I'm learning the weight of sin and the separation it wedges between things I truly love.
I can't express the feeling of freedom and joy that I receive when I take my burdens to the cross. But Lord I need you to teach me how to take them to you and leave them there. To take them off me and submit them to your will. My shoulders aren't broad enough, you didn't design me to carry this weight. You are walking beside me willing to take it. You sent your Son to die so that I don't have to carry it anymore. As I get up from the cross and turn around I'm struggling, crying, buckling under the weight of these things and you're walking down the hill of Calvary beside me pleading with me to just let go of it. I'm unable to come to the table and feast with my King, I'm robbing myself of your invitation to rest. Christ's invitation is sweet, but these burdens, this weight, seems too much.
Father this morning my heart is joyful because this is not the end of the story! My burdens can be removed by Christ. Through Jesus they already have been. Direct my eyes to your glory, use your word to point me to your faithfulness, help me rest in who you are and walk up with me to the cross, help me take off these burdens and place them where Jesus died a substitutionary death. Then walk with me up to the table so I can be free to rest and worship my Savior.
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