November 14, 2011

hot excuse for coffee.

I'm trying to write on the plane. Great in theory, five hours of uninterrupted time that I am forced to sit in a seat and wear a seatbelt. But if you know me at all you know that this is basically the same as sending me into a torture chamber. I've realized the most effective and helpful thing for me to do on a plane is to sleep. Fortunately I'm quite good at sleeping. But I've had my nap, watched my latest downloads, cruised Facebook, tried to read. And I thought maybe I should try writing. So I apologize if it's a little ADHD, blame it on the plane. And the serious lack of coffee. I've had a cup of this hot excuse they call "coffee" on planes.  Starbucks... I miss you. 

I've spent the past week on a lot of planes. It's been a great week of visiting friends, being encouraged and challenged, a week of tears and laughter and certainly a week of grace.  I've been in Vancouver, Seattle,  (insert random city I forget), Atlanta, Maryland, Gaithersburg, Virginia,  Greenville, and Cincinnati and I'm ready to be home. 

Trying to recap and reflect on the week today on the plane I can't help smiling at the constant and overwhelming Grace of my Savior. I was trying to think about all the ways just this week that the Lord has said, see I told you, I'm working, just wait. The peace of God passes all understanding. And when I understand that I can understand what it means to rest in Him. He always answers prayers, often not how i think they should be. He gives wisdom to the humble and correction to the proud. A clear understanding of the Gospel provides me the freedom to be human. It helps me come to my Father quicker and more eagerly. 

[It’s comforting to know the gospel doesn’t make me less human, but simply more yours. Thank you for being a Father who doesn’t shame the downcast, weary or restless. You pursue them, you provide for them, you comfort the, you comfort me.]-Scotty Smith

Father I can't begin to thank you for how you've saved me. You took hold of this wicked, corrupted, sinful soul. You said,

 "Als, I died for your sin and I'm calling you to follow me. You will fail, a lot, and I know this because I made you. You are unique but your problems and struggles are not. Your sin isn't too big and your wandering isn't too far. I know when you fall and I will always be faithful to pick you back up. You don't need anything else except for me. All of this is for my glory. I will pursue you, I will provide of you, I will comfort you. I will be glorified through this." 

Father I don't have a category for this. Too often I get overwhelmed and weighed down by my sin. I fail to look up and see your willing rescue. I forget these words of life and promise that you've already spoken to my heart. Thank you for your son that you sent as a sacrifice for my sin, so that I can have a relationship with you. Thank you for your sustaining grace in the middle of uncertainty and upheaval. Thank you for the peace that passes all understanding. 

You have been faithful and you will be again,
All I have need of your hand will provide, 
You've always been faithful to me. 

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