It never fails to amaze me how Jesus uses the most unlikely things for His Glory. It never fails to amaze me how He never grows weary of bringing me back. It never fails to amaze me how Christ uses things in my life to become magnifiers of His grace. I wander, I worship, I wander, I worship.
You are Lord. You will be praised, you will be glorified. It doesn't matter if I care, or if I say... I don't need you. Even when I stamp my feet and close my fists. Even when I collapse in a pile of what I like to call justified anger. Oh Lord its not justified, I don't have the right to stand before you and demand things. Like a small child arguing logic over a piece of candy with their very patient parent at the grocery store. You will win, and you will end up picking me up off the floor, and carrying me out of the store. Oh Lord forgive my arrogance, forgive me for believing this lie of entitlement. I have already been given the most precious gift, all I ever need. My inheritance is secure and my adoption is accepted. You are Lord.
One day all of creation will bow before you, Father help me to bow today. Help me to surrender my life, my heart, my gifts, my mind, my time. It's not mine, and I need to stop acting like it is. Thank you for faithfully and graciously picking this sinful little child up off the floor, carrying me out of the store, and showing me, teaching me, growing me in knowing, loving, and worshiping you more.
I have such a long way to go. My salvation is complete, my sanctification is in your hands.
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