This morning I'm thankful for a heap of things. I think it's easier some times to recognize what's missing or lacking in your life then to stop and thank God for the many mercies even among the trials.
I'm thankful for my family and even when though we've gotten older and more spread out, the time together becomes more precious and sacred. I'm thankful for friends who help ease the pain of being away from family, friends that stick out the good times and the bad, friends that care for your needs and your soul. I'm thankful for FaceTime and Skype and GoogleVoice and that I live in a time and age that I can connect across thousands of miles. I'm thankful for my church back home and the work that's being done, the community that's being built. I'm thankful for "home for now" church and the care and warmth I've experienced in my time here. I'm thankful for good health for the people dear to me. I'm thankful for sustaining grace for those who are suffering and battling illness, your mercy and grace is new every morning. I'm thankful for your living word, that speaks and convicts, that shapes and changes us. I'm thankful that I live comfortably, without the stress or fear of physical harm. I could keep listing, and listing, I could get really specific and I would loose count of the pages.
But I realize all these things are only possible because you sent your son for me on the cross. This sweetens my ability to be thankful. This stirs up a different kind of joy and appreciation in my heart for the "simple" things in life. Father, it's all a gift from you. Tune my heart to sing your praise, not just on Thanksgiving Day but on every day that there is breath in my lungs.
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