Father this is just a silly little craft fair. It will just be a room full of crafty christmas decorations without you. Our goal from the start of planning this two day Christmas Extravaganza was to fling open the front doors of our church and welcome the community in. This is a time of year when people are softer to the church. I don't want them to come to Hark! and be smacked with religion, no ones handing out tracks or wearing turn or burn t-shirts. Father we want to be real with people, we want to welcome the community into the community of You.
Father I want to pray big prayers for Hark! I pray that you will warm peoples hearts and that you will draw them to you. I pray you would spark something in them tonight or tomorrow that would lead them to you. Father help our volunteers as they come to selflessly serve their faces off the next two days. I pray that you would give them the words to say and the clear direction of how to care for these people.
And lastly Father I pray for Gabrielle and myself. Creating a last minute game plan last night we were filled with a peace about Hark! neither of us are stressed or overwhelmed, and that is only becauase of you. We took a couple minutes to pray before we called it a night last night and I was filled with faith about what you can do. Use us, use Crossway for the spreading of your glorious gospel for your glory. I pray for a continuous strength and energy for the Hark! team. Thank you for how you've poured out your grace on this event so far. I'm excited to see what you will do.
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